Francine Shapiro used to say that “EMDR is not a cookie-cutter therapy”, meaning that although we are fortunate to have the basic protocol and 8 steps of therapy as a guide, each patient has a unique internal world that requires a tailored approach and an intersubjective stance that produces exactly the right EMDR therapy for them. Attachment issues and trauma lie at the heart of our needs, desires and being, from “cradle to grave” (Bowlby, 1969). As such, attachment guides, as AIP postulates, our sensory experiences, thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. Using attachment theory, language, techniques and resources throughout the 8 steps of EMDR therapy can greatly facilitate healing, in a safe and gentle way.


Apart from the after-effects of sexual abuse, the subject of sexuality, both from the point of view of healthy sexuality and from that of specific sexual dysfunctions, is generally less studied and clinically presented within the international EMDR community. The current workshop aims to focus on the theme of sexuality, expanding participants' connection and knowledge with the integration of EMDR psychotherapy with sexuality-related themes, difficulties and dysfunctions. Participants will learn ways to help patients connect with and enhance their own sexuality, bodies and sexual preferences for a more adaptive and satisfying sex life. In addition, the workshop will provide guidelines for working with specific sexual problems and dysfunctions within the framework of EMDR psychotherapy, with relevant clinical examples and areas of focus, such as treatment planning. Specific exercises and body techniques will be discussed, as well as creative and necessary adaptations for reprocessing memories, triggers and relevant future patterns. Experiential exercises, clinical case examples and client videos will enhance the work presented.







1. Examine attachment theory, its main principles (and its implications for EMDR psychotherapy.

2. Learn the Implicit Layered Model (ILM) of EMDR treatment, which serves as a guide for navigating EMDR reprocessing, on the different levels of attachment-related experiences. 3. Learn and practice in Practicum the Micro-T Trauma procedure, an imagery-based intervention for reprocessing implicitly stored painful attachment memories.

4. Review techniques for helping “stuck” clients with attachment-related problems, including relational and somatic intertwining in phase 4.

5. Discover SBA methods for enhancing alternative internal attachment figures and other restorative internal functions.




1. Understand EMDR therapy as a complete psychotherapy.

2. Participants will experientially learn ways to connect with their own sexualities, bodies and sexual preferences.

3. Participants will learn to enhance understanding of sexuality and intimacy for a more adaptive and satisfying sex life for clients.

4. The workshop will provide guidelines for working with specific sexual problems and dysfunctions.





EMDR practitioners accredited by EMDR Europe or in training.







Keren Mintz Malchi works in the field of social action, as a marital and family therapist and EMDR Europe and EMDR Institute trainer.

She heads the marriage and family therapy unit specializing in trauma and co-directs the sex therapy unit in the mental health department of the Lev-Hasharon adult clinic in Israel.

She is a faculty professor at Ariel University of Social Sciences, where she teaches specialized courses for marriage and family therapy accreditation.

She has expertise in various fields of clinical practice: complex trauma, dissociative disorders, somatic psychotherapy, couples therapy, family therapy and sex therapy.





2 days










DAY 1: From 10AM to 06PM

DAY 2: From 09AM to 05PM





Individual financing: 490€

Institutional funding: 580€


Credits EMDR France for training and developmental activities (continuing education)14





The number of places being limited, your registration will be validated by the payment in order of arrival.

In case of cancellation, up to 30 days before the start of the masterclass: 90 € will be retained.

No refund can be made when a cancellation is made less than 4 weeks prior to the first day of your booked training.

The EFPE keeps the right to cancel the masterclass until two weeks before beginning of the masterclass, especially in case of an insufficient number of registrations.






The registration form, completed and accompanied by a photo, must be sent by email to:


A payment link accompanied by an agreement will be sent by email,

following your registration.




05 61 22 60 31 - 06 88 98 08 25








of masterclass




école française

de psychothérapie emdr

11 rue Matabiau - bâtiment B - 31000 Toulouse

05 61 22 60 31 - 06 88 98 08 25